Dhootapapeshwar Swayambhuva Guggul – The drug of choice in Shwitra i.e. Leucoderma is Swayambhuva Guggul. With the synergistic action of ingredients like Bakuchi, Shilajit & Guggul, it acts on Rakta, Mansa, Meda & Asthi dhatu. The use of Gomootra Vishesh Shodhit Guggul in it enhances the efficiency of the product as well as its use as Sahapana.
Dhootapapeshwar Swayambhuva Guggul Ingredients:-
Bakuchi 5 parts,
Dantimoola 1 part,
Shuddha Shilajit 5 parts,
Musta 1 part,
Vidanga 1 part,
Mundi 2 parts,
Loha Bhasma 2 parts,
Haridra 1 part,
Kutajtwak 1 part,
Haritaki 1 part,
Nimba 1 part,
Amalaki 1 part,
Chitrak 1 part,
Bibhitak 1 part,
Aragwadh 1 part,
Khadir 1 part,
Karanjapatra 1 part,
Guduchi 1 part,
Nishottar 1 part,
Suvarnamakshik Bhasma 3 parts,
Gomootra Vishesh Shodhit Guggul 10 parts
Shwitra, Other Chronic Skin Disorders, Itching, Mukhadushika (Acne), Ekakushtha, Prameha, Vrana, Vatarakta, Madhumehajanya Kshudrakushtha, Pama
Special precaution – Administration strictly under medical supervision in persons with Pittaprakruti and Pittavikar due to the presence of Ushna Veeryatmaka Bakuchi
2 to 4 tablets 2-3 times a day with Gomootra, Honey, or lukewarm water