Kairali Ksheerabala Thailand is recommended for body massage. Kairali Ksheerabala Thailam is usually used for body massage in the detoxification process (Panchakarma ). It is rich in Satva guna and hence more sattvic. Bala (Sida cordifolia): Bala normalizes Vata and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Kairali Ksheerabala thailam Benefits:-
It soothes excited nerves, and helps in strengthening muscles. Due to these properties, ksheerabala oil effectively helps in conditions like arthritis, gout, sciatica, stiffness of joints, nervous debility, neuralgia, body pain, etc. Bala is known to increase the quality and quantity of semen and has aphrodisiac properties. Hence massaging this oil helps with low libido, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation. Milk: According to the principles of Ayurveda milk has a cooling effect on the body. It refreshes the body and mind. Milk nourishes the body, increases libido, quality, and quantity of semen, and helps in erectile dysfunction. Milk accelerates wound healing. Sesame Oil: Sesame oil brings aggravated Vata to normal condition. When it is infused with various herbs, it almost cures all diseases.
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